Do you have a Bucket List?

Do you have a Bucket List?

I don't have a "Bucket List." Not that I don't want to do cool and amazing things, I just hadn't sat down and created a list that drives my efforts in life around tasks or accomplishments. I’m a very driven and organized guy. I set weekly, monthly, quarterly and...

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Does Prayer Work?

Does Prayer Work?

Some people pray only when all else fails. However, if prayer works, why wait until things are horrible to apply it to our lives? If prayer really works, why not use it all the time? I know that prayer changes everything, and it starts by changing us. There was a time...

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Embracing Our Purpose

Today's post if from Jeff Clement who is the Chairman of the DFW Technology Prayer Breakfast. Jesus last message to his disciples still applies to those who follow Him today.  Christians are empowered by God to accomplish the things He gives us to do, and it’s God...

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