Nomination Form

Guidelines for Submission

Nominate someone other than yourself. If they meet the requirements you can submit the information on line below. If they don’t, it will inspire them to find new ways to impact the world around them. Either way you will have gotten to know them better and they will be honored by your efforts.

Fill out the form below completely and contact us if you need more information at [email protected]. We will contact you to acknowledge receipt of your submission and then contact the person nominated once the nomination committee has completed their evaluations in mid October.

Minimum Requirements for your nomination:

1.) The person you nominate must share our statement of Faith that Jesus is GOD, that he died for our sins, that GOD raised Him from the dead, and that Jesus is the only way in which mankind can be saved.

2.) The person you nominate must work in a Technology role, or at a Tech company. Their title is not as important as the LEADERSHIP they exhibit each day.

3.) You can enter someone for consideration each year.

Here is a chart to help you with your submission. (click image to enlarge)

Helpful Suggestions

    • Review Nomination Form
    • Candidates will not be interviewed; the judges will only have the information in your nomination on which to base their assessments
    • The more people they have impacted, the better
    • Judges highly value evidence/real-life examples
    • Impact in DFW and being part of the DFW Community are critical
    • Think about Whom you might nominate
    • Meet with Candidate to complete Nomination Form
    • Send your Nomination

Any questions? Email or Call Jeff Blackwell at (214) 840-7400.

If you would prefer to print off the form, click the button below.

Nominate someone by filling out the submission form below.

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