“Why am I involved with the DFW Technology Prayer Breakfast?”
That is the question that some of the DFW Technology Prayer Breakfast volunteers were asked to consider.
John Cole, Managing Partner of Farr Systems, had this to say:
Initially, I was drawn by the idea that we could leverage a program in the DFW Metroplex which had enjoyed so much growth and success in Atlanta.
Then, I was encouraged by wonderful Christian leaders that God brought together to launch our first Prayer Breakfast in 2014.
Now that I’ve seen how this event has touched lives, I’m even more convinced that we need to keep this outreach growing.
We are very thankful for John, who is one of our great volunteers serving as C0-Chair of the Merv Tarde Award Committee for the 2015 DFW Technology Prayer Breakfast, and who has helped establish the Merv Tarde Values in Leadership Circle.
There is plenty of room for you too, so please fill out the information on our Volunteer Page and come join us!