by DFWTechPB | Oct 4, 2018 | DFW, Faith, GOD, Leadership, Prayer, Prayer Breakfast, Technology
How long has it been since you had breakfast with 860 people? If you’re registered for the DFW Technology Prayer Breakfast, your lucky day is tomorrow. Here’s the agenda for Friday, Oct. 5: 6:30 a.m. Coffee, chat, and register 7 a.m. Seating begins 7:30 a.m. Program... by DFWTechPB | Sep 11, 2018 | DFW, Faith, GOD, Prayer, Prayer Breakfast, Technology, Volunteers
“Your new fulltime job is finding your next job.” I’ve heard that said to people in a job transition and said it myself – and it’s good advice. But how does that look on a day-to-day basis? Most people in job-search mode spend their time looking at postings, applying... by DFWTechPB | Jun 12, 2017 | DFW, Leadership, Prayer Breakfast, Technology, Uncategorized
Not to sound like an old guy, but when I was a kid, we knew where our friends where by the pile of bikes out in front of someone’s house. You also knew you were free to join them just by knocking on the door and going inside. Today, we find our...