by DFWTechPB | Aug 21, 2018 | DFW, Faith, GOD, Prayer, Prayer Breakfast, Technology
“If you ask an insignificant maidservant why she scours a dish or milks the cow, she can say, ‘I know that the thing I do pleases God, for I have God’s Word and commandment.’ God does not look at the insignificance of the acts but at the heart that serves Him in such... by DFWTechPB | Aug 1, 2017 | Prayer Breakfast, Uncategorized
Yesterday I got an email from a guy named Joshua Walton and this is what it said: Salute, I send you this brief email to solicit your partnership to legally convey a reasonable amount of money from my country to your country at which you will greatly benefit from.... by DFWTechPB | Nov 27, 2016 | DFW, Faith, Prayer Breakfast, Uncategorized
We are not good at waiting. We like the fast-lane, microwave ovens, and credit cards. We want it all and we want it NOW. When things don’t happen when we want them to happen, we often worry, stress and do all we can to make it happen. I often see this when I talk to... by DFWTechPB | Aug 8, 2015 | DFW, Faith, Prayer, Prayer Breakfast, Pupose, Technology, Uncategorized
Some people pray only when all else fails. However, if prayer works, why wait until things are horrible to apply it to our lives? If prayer really works, why not use it all the time? I know that prayer changes everything, and it starts by changing us. There was a time...