by DFWTechPB | Mar 19, 2017 | DFW, Prayer, Prayer Breakfast, Technology, Uncategorized
If aliens from another planet came to earth to learn about us, would they think we worship GOD or Technology? Using their invisible space suit, they would secretly follow us from the moment we got up from the alarm on our iPhone god, and then take this god to the... by DFWTechPB | Jan 29, 2017 | DFW, Prayer Breakfast, Technology, Uncategorized
Make plans to join us on Friday, October 6, 2017 from 6:30 – 9:30 am at the Irving Convention Center for our 2017 DFW Technology Prayer Breakfast. Our annual event is designed to create an environment where people can hear how Jesus Christ has changed the lives... by DFWTechPB | Jan 7, 2017 | DFW, Faith, Pupose, Uncategorized
I had someone ask me this week what I thought God’s will for my life was. I learned a long time ago that God’s ways are not like my ways, and His timing is not always my timing. What does GOD want me to do with my life? I don’t know if he wants you to be a CIO, or a... by DFWTechPB | Nov 27, 2016 | DFW, Faith, Prayer Breakfast, Uncategorized
We are not good at waiting. We like the fast-lane, microwave ovens, and credit cards. We want it all and we want it NOW. When things don’t happen when we want them to happen, we often worry, stress and do all we can to make it happen. I often see this when I talk to... by DFWTechPB | Nov 6, 2016 | DFW, Faith, GOD, Prayer, Prayer Breakfast, Uncategorized
There’s a cool story in the Bible (Mark 9 for those who are page turners) where Jesus meets a man who’s son has been possessed by a demon since birth. It causes the boy to threw himself into a convulsions, fall to the ground, roll around, gnash his teeth,...