Eric Wilson has spent the last 20 years as a software developer and solutions architect, with the last five years focused on management and leadership roles. He is currently a development manager for World Ventures, a global membership and travel services company, where he is responsible for all membership services and systems. He has a deep understanding of how to build performant software systems from the ground up and, more important, how to build highly functional teams through servant leadership.

Eric has worked in a variety of industries during his career and enjoys the technical challenges that building new systems provide. His biggest reward, however, is not in seeing these systems built but in seeing the synergy and teamwork of the builders.

Eric has worked in prison ministries for the more than two decades. For the past several years, he has served as chairman of the Prison Ministry Council at Prestonwood Baptist Church, where he is also a deacon. He has witnessed to men individually, going cell to cell, and led small-group Bible studies in the prison chapel. He has acted as unit coordinator for prison-wide evangelical outreaches involving more than 100 volunteers. He also works with men who are seeking to re-acclimate to society after prison, helping them with life skills and their relationships with Christ.

Eric will be inducted into the Merv Tarde Values in Leadership Circle at the Dallas/Fort Worth Technology Prayer Breakfast on Oct. 5, 2018.