Every leadership decision I’ve ever made that produced any type of fruit has not been the result of my brilliance but God’s goodness.
If you are a CEO, a small business owner, or an employee, let me assure you that listening to God is the best leadership tip I could ever offer. The best business advice I could ever give is to listen to Jesus and do what He says.
God wants you to be the best version of yourself, the you He made you to be. We hear from Jesus by reading the Bible, from the Holy Spirit during quiet times of prayer, through the wise words of those around us, and from our pastors. His direction is there if we are willing to listen.
Almost every morning I get out of bed, make a cup of coffee, opened the Bible, and allow Jesus to guide me for that day. Leaning into God as much as possible will keep us humble and remind us what we are doing and Who we are doing it for.
When our plates are filled with things we feel like we have to do, rather than the things we are called to do, we begin to operate out of obligation rather than celebration. A leader’s responsibility is not to make as many people as happy as possible. A leader’s primary responsibility is to be obedient to God and HIS ways of doing things (Colossians 3:23-24) and let others follow the example we set.
As you start to say no to good things to make room for God things, people may not like it. On those days, remember this: One day when we stand before God, we will be held accountable for whether or not we were obedient to our calling and the resources He gave us. The Parable of the Talents reminds us that we have a responsibility before GOD for the life he has given us. What will be the ROI on your Life?
Live your life in such a way that one day we hear, “Well done, my good and faithful servant” (Matthew 25:14 – 28).
The Annual DFW Technology Prayer Breakfast is created to provide a safe place for Technology Leaders who follow Jesus Christ to start living out their faith. Being a Table Host allows you to invite people to join you so they can hear how a faith in Jesus Christ has changed our lives. Remember, you are light in the darkness – let it shine.
Robert Hunt
- Get involved in helping us plan for this years event. Sign up to be a Volunteer, Table Host, or Partner. Join us at our next planning or ramp-up meeting and help us plan, pray and promote this event.
Holy Spirit inspired and Good Word! Thank you for sharing Robert.